Welcome to the World’s Most Badass Book Club

Meet the Devil You Don’t Know

This is a book club for people who are frustrated, stuck and ready to make changes. 

Sometimes we’ll read books that will explicitly help with that. Sometimes we’ll draw inspiration from characters on that path.

I hate that phrase “Better the devil you know. . .” because it’s the kind of gaslighting that keeps us from making change.

Let’s roll the dice on the Devil You Don’t Know.

Look smart and never wonder what to read again!

Look smart and never wonder what to read again!

I am your literary fairy godmother! Each quarter I pick a candy book, a popcorn book and a spinach book, and you get them delivered in hardback or audio book, all included in your membership! My bookstore will also do free shipping on any book you want, shopping cart free, you just tell me what you want and POOF! Plus you get an incredible and authentic community to go deep with on everything from classics to guilty pleasures and a monthly Zoom discussion with occasional SPECIAL GUESTS! This is the book club of your DREAMS!

Who am I?

My name is Sarah Lacy, and I am a former investigative journalist, three time author, serial entrepreneur and co-owner of the Best Bookstore in Palm Springs. I scour every advanced reader copy I get to find the can’t-miss next bestsellers and hidden gems for our incredible customers.

I’ve spent my career interviewing some of the most fascinating people on Earth, advocating for under representing groups, pushing women to demand their best lives, and putting the right life changing book in the right amazing hands at the exact right time. Join this INCREDIBLE community to tap into all of the fierce, ferocious magic and escape and inspiration that talking about books unlocks.

Our puppy, Radish, is waiting to ship your first bundle!!!

Choose your plan

Three Month Membership

You get a monthly hardcover book shipped to you, access to community discussion board, weekly newsletter with ALL my picks and special book deals, a monthly Zoom (with occasional special guests!)


Annual Membership
$50/mo + Get 1 month free

You get a monthly hardcover book shipped to you, access to community discussion board, weekly newsletter with ALL my picks and special book deals, a monthly Zoom (with occasional special guests!) PLUS you get a bonus welcome gift!


Recent Picks

It’s not just the incredible books. You’ll be part of a community of total badasses, all at the same crossroads, looking to books for escape and inspiration.

You deserve this!

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